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Cartobin GIS Servers Web App

Parker Dinkins
Parker Dinkins About

What is Cartobin?

Cartobin is a web application developed by Ben Millard. He was inspired to create the application by Jeff from who created and maintains a very large list of GIS rest servers. The application provides an interface to interact with the list by creating pages for the different categories. There is a State category, a category US Federal sources and another category for miscellaneous sources.

Special Thanks to Ben

I want to give a special thanks to Ben Millard for creating this application and the API that serves the data. After posting on Reddit about the Open Source GIS Data State Index he reached out giving me permission to use the API. I was able to create a short vanilla javascipt script that fetches data from his API and displays it on the state pages. This allowed me to easily add hundreds of GIS rest servers to the website for every single state.

Plans for the future

At the time of posting this article I have not yet integrated the Federal data sources from the API in the website. My next course of action is to add the federal sources and the other miscellaneous sources. All of the sources from the API and the list are GIS rest servers. The initial sources published on this website were Geo Portals or geospatial data search engines for different organizations within states. The plan is to integrate the API for the rest servers and continue to add Geo Portals and other miscellaneous sources that are not just rest servers. Beyond just finding and adding sources I will create content around some of the most useful and interesting resources that are recommended to me or that I find.